Friday, February 14, 2025

How to stop condensation in your car

Car condensation is one of the most common problems that occurs with sudden changes in temperature. Stopping your car windows from steaming up is often a problem during the winter months, and if it’s not dealt with correctly, it can cause several issues that can damage your vehicle, much like when your engine overheats during the summer. 

With that in mind, our experts have put together a detailed guide on how you can stop condensation in your car so you can see clearly when driving. Plus, our top brand window treatment products can add an extra layer of protection when combating car condensation. 

How does condensation happen in your car? 

To get a better understanding of how to stop your car steaming up, it’s useful to know how condensation first occurs. The main reason condensation takes place is when the warm air inside your car meets with the cold air on the windows and windscreen of your vehicle. 

As these two different temperatures meet, condensation takes place and creates steam, eventually forming droplets of water on the glass of your vehicle. 

What causes condensation on the inside of your car? 

There’s several different things that can cause your car windows to steam up. These can include: 

Aged or damaged seals – over time, the seals for your windows and doors can become worn and allow water to get into your car. Wet clothes left inside your car – when clothes get wet, the moisture from them evaporates, which creates moisture in the air. The foot mats and seats of your car can also absorb the water, creating condensation. A lack of fresh air – not allowing fresh air into your car means the humid air will stay in your vehicle and will eventually result in condensation. Hot drinks – hot drinks left inside your vehicle will eventually evaporate and the warm air from the liquid will become trapped. Breath – As you breathe in and out whilst driving, you let out water vapour too. This meets with the air in your car and mists the windows up. 

How do you get rid of car window condensation? 

Removing condensation from your car windows may seem difficult, but thankfully it’s quite straightforward. More importantly, not getting rid of car condensation effectively can be an illegal driving offence and lead to points being lost on your driving licence, so knowing how to prevent your vehicle steaming up is vital. 

1. Air conditioning system 

Turning on the A/C takes all the air within your car through an evaporator; this then condenses the air and drains it to the outside of your vehicle. 

It’s worth noting that if the air within your car is not regularly refreshed, the moisture in the air causing the condensation will not be fully removed. For that reason, we advise changing the re-circulation of your A/C from ‘internal air’ to ‘fresh air.’ 

2. Your car heater 

Another effective way of removing condensation on the inside of your car is to use your car heater. To get the best results, start your heater off cold, then gradually increase the temperature so that the air begins to dry out. 

Also, make sure that the hot air is being directed towards your windscreen and windows. Warmer air will continue to stop the steam on your windows condensing into water droplets.  

3. Keep your car windows and windscreen clean

Water droplets and vapour attract dirt and grime to them, rather than repelling them. By regularly cleaning your car windows and windscreen inside and outside, it stops dirt accumulating, with less chance for condensation to be created overall. 

4. Open your windows and doors 

Opening your car windows and doors isn’t always easy because of the unpredictable weather we get in winter. However, when we do have a clear or warmer day, put your windows down and your doors ajar. Airing out your car allows the humid air to escape and fresh air to circulate throughout your vehicle. 

5. A car dehumidifier or moisture absorber 

Full of little silicone balls or silica gel, reusable car dehumidifiers sit on top of your dashboard and soak up the moisture from the air inside your vehicle. If the bag begins to feel damp and heavy, make sure you remove it from your car, wash it and dry it out, otherwise condensation will continue to appear. 

Knowing how to deal with car condensation will make driving during the colder months much easier. As well as knowing how to tackle condensation in your car, knowing what winter car essentials you’ll need in freezing temperatures will help you drive safely too.  


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